Wednesday 3 to Saturday 6 June 2015
We are now firmly on the home tack.
After spending a couple of very pleasant days in Bergues
Bergues station |
The famous belfry |
Chores |
Our view from the aft deck |
The boat which appears to have laid claim to a large chunk of the visitors jetty. |
A typical meal. |
including a Wednesday visit to the famous ‘La Dunkerquoise’ biscuit factory
which was closed (why close on a Wednesday and not a Saturday, Sunday of even
Monday like most of the other businesses in France?) and finding a huge and
fantastically stocked hypermarket at the small next door town of Le Clerq, we
said our farewells and headed downstream up to Dunkerque and then on to Veurne in Belgium.
Passing through the suburbs of Dunkerque |
Seem to have done this before. |
A short stop in the cigarette town of Adinkerke (which has
the unusual claim to fame of having the greatest number of tobacconists per
capita of any area in Europe) where we tied up to the roadside Armco’s so that
we could pop into the town to see what gave – just a whole lot of cigarette and
booze stores serving a lot of very unhealthy looking Brits, one of whom had just spent over 1,000 Pounds on tobacco – and we were again
on our way.
Even the statues smoke |
No comment. |
Moored to the Armco barrier |
After waiting nearly an hour at the small lifting bridge
on the edge of the Veurne city limits, an harassed lockkeeper arrived and after
sternly instructing us to wait for the green light before going through (he
must have thought we were Dutch as they go through controlled bridges and locks
as soon as there is space to fit, irrespective of what the control lights
indicate) we eventually tied up at what we thought was free mooring just
outside the marina and under a canopy of leafy trees. The lockkeeper arrived to
inspect our vignette and to apologise for keeping us waiting so long;
apparently he looks after six locks and bridges between Fintele and Veurne and
there had been a lot of traffic on the waterways. We are also noticing a slight
increase in traffic so June must be the month when everyone shakes off their
winter covers.
The very balmy day ended with chicken on the Weber –
Friday morning at 09h00 sharp the havenmeester arrived to
collect €13 for our night’s mooring. He explained that for us to have been able
to made use of the electricity and water, we had to go to the ‘Stadshuis’ and
put money on a card which could then be used to activate the mechanism – “And
no, there is no notice anywhere explaining this”…
Mooring Veurne. |
After some rust chipping applying rust converter to the
stern step supports it was into the very pretty town center to provision up (yes,
chocolates, cold meats, cheese, some very interesting hamburgers for a future
braai, and a baguette). And then took a look inside the 13th Century
Sint-Walburga Church – absolutely stunning!
Provisioning up at the butchery. |
Saint Christopher |
Gothic proportions. |
The organ. |
Roof with curves! |
Back onto the bikes for a couple of kilometres to the
‘open 7 days a week’ baking museum – which was closed, and the cafeteria, the
chalk-boards of which were advertising delicious Belgium pancakes, waffles and
artesian sandwiches, was deserted except for a man servicing a coffee machine –
and this at 11h00!
At the boat we painted the now rust-treated ironwork
with primer, packed the four bikes on the foredeck and then followed our
overnight neighbours – a Dutch couple who hailed from a town in the Netherlands
quite nearby where we bought Elle on their absolutely sparkling boat called
‘Fermate’ – through the first lock and then, at 10kph in the 7kph speed limit
canal, through two lifting bridges, the control to which they had been given
together with instructions to keep the bridges open until both of us had passed
Fermate working the last bridge. |
And before we knew it we were at the old Veurnesluis at Nieuwpoort.
This whole lock complex known as De Ganzenpoot (goose’s foot)
De Ganzenpoot |
which separates
the Belgium interior from the North Sea, is famous as being the place where the
order was given in 1914 to flood the polders in order to stop the German
advance. The strategy was ‘successful’ if by that one means that the advance
was stopped but at the cost of the millions of lives which were lost as the resulting
battle lines became known as the Western Front.
A half hour wait and we were ushered through the
Vernsluis and the Gravensluis and their attendant lifting bridges and it was a short drive to the Westhoek Marina (a
different Westhoek Marina to the one 500 meters away where we stayed last time)
where Ian and Sian were waiting. And where the
same havenmeester who had ‘served’ us in Veurne was waiting to welcome us to
his ‘other’ marina on what was apparently the hottest June 5th day since sometime in the
1950’s – and we just thought that it was a lovely, warm, Durban-like, normal
summers day!
Le Boat base Nieuwpoort |
The gleaming 'Fermate' |
Our mooring at Westhoek. |
After a tremendous thunderstorm followed by quite strong
winds it was drinks on board with an Australian couple from Perth (Laurie and ???) who have
hired a Le Boat for a week and whose berth in the Le Boat base is a pontoon-width
from our stern, spagbol for supper and an early bedtime.
Saturday dawned clear but still with quite a strong wind
blowing; Ian and I rode to two chandleries in Nieuwpoort to buy varnish, mastic for the gas hatch cover strips, and grease for the propshaft, which the big one did not have and the smaller one said they only had big drums but if I brought our bucket then they would fill it at a reasonable charge. So that afternoon it was back again only to find that they did not have the waterproof lithium grease we need. Hard work riding the non-E bike into the wind!
We had agreed to meet Ian and Sian for (another) farewell dinner at the restaurant in the nearby marina where who do we bump into? Willy, our charming havenmeester-now-deputy-club-president from Diksmuide, and his delightful wife Francine who bought us drinks while we tried to secure a table at the booked out restaurant - I think that it was due to Willy's influence (apart from his house near Brussels he also has a house in Nieuwpoort) that we were finally ushered to a table. Sharing the bill we enjoyed steaks, a superb piece of kabeljou (ekke) and a "yummy" vispotje (for Lynn) - and just a little dram of wine...
Thanks Njordtjes - we loved being with you and look forward to seeing you somewhere in Belgium or France in September.